Seeing kittens?

We are no longer accepting requests for kitten surrenders; we provide spay/neuter with return only.

  • Do not trap kittens under 2 pounds (roughly 8-10 weeks) unless you are prepared to house them yourself or have already arranged their entry to a shelter or rescue.

  • We encourage you to socialize feral kittens if you want to reduce the number of stray cats in your neighborhood and improve the odds you’ll be able to find them a home or shelter/rescue placement. This is easiest before they’re 7 weeks old; if you wait until they’re older than that they may be permanently feral. Here are a few helpful resources:

Below is a resource by Alley Cat Allies on what to do if you have found kittens.

Below are resources on socializing kittens.

On the left is a YouTube video by Kitten Lady demonstrating and explaining the taming process.

Another resource for full socialization of a cat is available through Alley Cat Allies here.

Identify A Kitten’s Age

To learn how to identify the age of kittens, visit this guide provided by Alley Cat Allies here.